This website is built for you, as an activist engaged in the struggle for change in Zimbabwe. This website aims to be a useful tool, to assist in the building of a network and partnerships that would strengthen the collective capacity to promote human rights and civil liberties.
This website aims at linking and bringing our people together to balance and blend our values into practical solutions aimed at creating a concentrated effort to combat the violations of human rights and poor governance currently affecting the people of Zimababwe. |

Do you share the vision of a diaspora network that:
Draws its strength from every Zimbabwean
the international community of supporters of Zimbabwe
Unites the efforts globally to create a united international stance
against the
deprivation of basic civil liberties and human rights in Zimabwe
Links each of us with our community partners in collaborative
Empowers us to contribute to development solutions rather than
stifling them
Rewards community efforts in self-improvement
Is not based only on private gain and values but on communal values
Focuses on opportunities rather than ethnic gridlock
Restores our dignity and a sense of community, our faith in ourselves,
and our ability to come together and shape our common future
We operate this website for you, as a Zimbabwean activist. Please
contact us today to tell us what you need from this site, so we can start building bridges among Zimbabweans around
the world and intensify the struggle for change in Zimbabwe, together.